Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Kimmee's Bio

Hello my name is Kimmee Hoecker. I am a junior at West Albany High School and am seventeen years old. I am very excited to be visiting Mexico on this mission team especially after a recent experience in the mission field in Thailand. I love working with children and sharing with others what God has graciously blessed me with. I know this trip will be an amazing opportunity to do that, as well as grow in my relationship with God.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Kelli's Bio

Hi, my name is Kelli Hoecker. I'm seventeen years old and I'm a junior at West Albany High School. I'm going to Mexico because I feel God has prepared me to serve Him in missions work. I have been blessed to be able to travel around the world with my family of six since the time I was one and a half. I've seen a world in need and a world that can be impacted by those who are more fortunate. Going to Mexico is a way I can give back to God and the world what I have been so greatly blessed with. I'm also excited to get to work with a team that consists of my twin, my best friend, a couple veterans of missions work, my youth pastor, and friends that are becoming closer everyday.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Suzan's Bio

Hola, my name is Suzan. I’m the veteran of the team and a grandmother of 4 granddaughters. In February 1988 I went for the first time to Oaxaca with Medical Teams, Intl. God opened my eyes and heart to a world of hurt and need. Since that time God has laid in on my heart to encourage students to serve Him outside their comfort zone. I’ve seen God do amazing things in the lives of not only the students, but in the lives of those they came to serve. This will be my 15th team to Mexico and I’m looking forward to seeing what God will do in the hearts of this team. We'll minister through mixing cement, building latrines or pouring pisos, as well as being Jesus’ hands, feet and eyes as we interact with children and parents at the Bible Clubs. We'll also deliver food boxes & Bibles and pray with families searching for assurance of Jesus love for them.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Joy's Bio

My name is Joy and I currently work for Albany Parks & Recreation as an Event Coordinator. I am married and have one son. It has always been a goal of mine to go on a mission trip, its taken a little longer than I had thought it would but better late than never. I am excited about going and helping the people of Oaxaca and to share the love of the Lord.

Jeff's Bio

Hello my name is Jeff, I'm delighted to be going back to Oaxaca in 2009 with Pastor Joel, and the team of NACC . I fell in love with the people that we served,and got to know the young people of our team, and see how God is working in them. I am honored to be involved with a new team, and can't wait to see how God will use us.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Introducing the Mexico Team!

We are very excited to be going to Oaxaca during the first week in February. A few members of the team are even veterans, so that goes to show you how incredible this trip will be. We are all looking forward to working hard and impacting peoples lives in a big way. We still have some fundraising to left to do (about $3,000 to cover all the costs), but we have raised a ton of money already. What is a few thousand more in God's hands?
I will be posting short bios of all the team members over the next few weeks so you can get to know us a little better.
Back row from left: Joel, Brandon, Andrew, Joy
Middle row from left: Taylor, Suzan, Jeff
Front row from left: Kimmee, Kelli, Jennifer